About us Many years of Montessori knowledge, experience and training has fashioned the approach of Montessori Progress. Previoiusly, Montessori organisation Board members have stated the owner and chief researcher officer is “diligent, consistent, thoughtful, practical, patient, kind, resourceful, good ability to guide children firmly and kindly, with a quiet and gentle sense of humour, dependable to Montessori philosophy, committed to Montessori ideals and philosophy, conscientious and trustworthy, always has best interests of the children as her primary consideration”. In 2022 the President of a Montessori school board in Sydney wrote “thank you so much for all those policies, procedures, suggestions and guidelines to us, the board and school…we genuinely could not have gotten to where we are now without your help, which was invaluable”. Contact us: montessoriprogress@gmail.com Montessori Progress is here solely to support Montessorians to implement authentic Montessori principles and practice through:
Montessori Application of Scientific Knowledge (MASK)
Montessori Application of Scientific Knowledge (MASK) aims are to research technology initiatives in Montessori settings. Montessori (1912/1967) outlined some key elements of the Montessori materials: isolation of a single quality (p. 104) to focus on a concept; control of error (p. 105) through the material makes a child use 's reason, critical faculty, and their ever-increasing capacity for awing distinctions; aesthetics (p. 105) of the objects in the environment so they are attractive; child’s activity (p. 106) material must lend itself to child being active. The ability of a thing to attract the child's interest does not depend so much upon the quality of the thing itself as upon the opportunity that it affords the child for action; and limited in quantity (p. 107) as the child needs to bring order into the chaos rested in their mind by the host of sensations coming to them from the outside world. Montessori, M. (1912/1967). The discovery of the child (M. J. Costelloe, Trans.). New York: Ballentine Books. |
Contribute to Montessori research
Montessori stated that “To think and to wish is not enough. It is action which counts” (Montessori, 1913, p. 171). When Montessori was almost 50, she stated that the job was too big for one person, stating, “I don't know what to do. There is so much of it, and nobody will ever collaborate. Either they accept what I say, and ask for more, or else they waste precious time in criticizing. What I want now is a body of colleagues, research workers, who will examine what I have already done, apply my principles as far as I have gone, not in a spirit of opposition or conviction, but as a matter of pure experiment. Then they can help me with constructive criticism, after, not before, the event. I have never yet had anyone-starting from my own previous body of knowledge-work shoulder to shoulder with me in a scientific independence." (Standing, 1976, p. 262). New Montessori researchers will be supported to conduct a Montessori Action Research Study which includes an abstract, introduction to their study, a literature review, ethical considerations, data collection through work and observations in the class and reflecting on the data gathered and findings they reveal. Or, if ready with projects, can submit their research to be peer reviewed and edited for possible inclusion. Academic writing is the formal writing style used to write scholarly materials. There are many types of academic writing to present your work, articles, book report/review, conference paper, essay, literary criticism, or a synopsis of your experience and knowledge.